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Old 02-15-2005, 10:22 AM
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Angra Angra is offline
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Re: Dead and Breakfast

Originally posted by ChuckyKlrDoll
Since this movie hasn't been released in the states because the studios are too busy filling theatres with crap like "Boogeyman", I resorted to downloading this movie from Winmx. This is a horror comedy in the vein of movies like "The Convent", or "AOD". The film revolves around 6 friends who are on their way to a wedding. They stop at a small town called Lovelock, because they wanna chill for a bit before they pick up the road trip. They decide to stay at a bed and breakfast, run by an odd old man named Mr Wise (David Carradine). Mr Wise has an odd chinese box also, that he watches over often. The next morning though, the kids wake to find Mr Wise and his french chef Henri dead. Now they are suspects in the murder, and can't leave town. So when does all hell break loose you ask? One of the friends sneaks in through a window because he can't get into the b&b since no one was there at the time. He knocks over the box, and the spirit trapped inside posesses him. He then goes on a killing spree, creating an army of posessed much like himself. The jist of the film is that this box contains a bad spirit inside it, and any hair, finger,blood, or ear or limb from a living person placed inside the box, will turn that person posessed as well. It's a great horror comedy, mainly because the film works on both levels. It also has some cool kills, and great gore. Hopefully a studio smartens up, and picks "D&B" up...soon.It stars Ever Carradine,David Carradine,Bianca Lawson,Diedrich Bader,Jeremy Sisto, and Gina Phillips.

Hm............ What the hell is Winmx??
I'm right. It's the rest of the world that's wrong.
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