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Old 12-31-2003, 03:49 PM
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AUSTIN316426808 AUSTIN316426808 is offline
The Dork Knight

Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally posted by Freddy Krueger.
I've been saying this over and over, the makers of the soon to come (maybe) Freddy Vs Jason 2, should never, ever, add Ash to the battle! For Crist sakes he wouldn't even have enough power to lay a finger on Freddy Krueger and/or Jason Voorhees! The makers should just leave it to its true, two amazing killers, Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees!
what's jason a dead dude pissed off cause his mom died

what's freddy a demon

what was the evil dead trilogy about ash fighting off and eventually getting rid of demons and dead people now as for freddy if him and ash meet in the dream world then hey ash as about a good a chance as the magic have playing the lakers but as far as the real world ash could hang with both jason and freddy jason is big and strong as hell but as the 5'8 160 pound freddy proved if he does'nt get his hands on you he can't do anything and i'll take a quick guy with a chainsaw,double barrel shotgun,a thinking process and the experience of a very fucked up weekend over a big,slow,stupid guy with a machette.

and as for freddy in the real world (besides the whole dead thing) he's just a normal person he does'nt have those powers in the real world all he can do is stand there and fight i'm not saying he can't i'm just saying that's all he would be able to do so if ash is in freddy vs jason II i like his chances.
Whatever The Fuck Ever
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