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Old 03-24-2005, 06:52 AM
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AUSTIN316426808 AUSTIN316426808 is offline
The Dork Knight

Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally posted by bwind22
You are saying that Psycho has not stood the test of time and I believe that to be 100% false. It seems that you think the only reason it's considered calssic is because it was a defining movie in it's time. I'm saying that's not true. It's still a defining movie now.

I think we may have to agree to disagree here, but it shouldn't matter because we both end up at the same result. Psycho is a classic. We just have different ways of placing it there.

Just because our attention spans are shorter and we are much more used to blood, guts, and things blowing up, does not mean that movies that don't have those things are 'boring'. I don't think movies like Psycho or The Birds are boring at all. They are far more suspenseful than almost anything we see in theatres nowadays.

I know older movies aren't boring to people like us I was making referrences to the average guy/girl who watches movies these days. I personally don't like blood in horror movies besides when it's needed, I guess a better way of saying it would be that I don't like ridiculous amounts of it, today it seems that all horror movies(american anyway) are just blood and boobs.

As for the ''classic'' issue I think we're reading the same book just on different pages that's all.
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