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Old 05-22-2005, 07:09 PM
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MisterSadistro MisterSadistro is offline
Can you dig it ?
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Chicago
Posts: 1,632
(taken from My Top 10 List on another site):

1) Defunkt - Defunkt. The self-titled debut album is my hands down favorite. Loud, brash and brimming with over the top funk, nothing has come close to replacing it. Ever. If it doesn't get you moving, you must be dead. I would have to recommend avoiding all other albums of theirs, even if it was the launching pad of Living Color guitarist Vernon Reid (whose 'Vivid' album deserves to be on this list as well, but might not depending on which direction I go off into tonight).
2) Weight - Rollins Band. Henry & Co. are in full force on what I consider to be their tightest album. Hard as hell, groove laden and in your face with overall thoughtful lyrics questioning everyday life in the madhouse we call America. I never got into Black Flag, but have always liked him. The band itself is awesome enough on their own, but would lack the overall intensity had anyone else picked up the mic. I would consider this a precursor to everything that Rage Against The Machine was to the tenth power.
3) I Against I - Bad Brains. What do you get when mixing reggae and hardcore punk ? The Brains of course. Nothing has sounded like them before. Nothing will sound like them again. This album is not as punk sounding as their earlier material or as crossover and rehashed material in later albums like 'Quickness' and it still considered to be their finest moment. I agree. For those of you who think The Rolling Stones are the greatest rock 'n' roll band, you might be wrong.
4) Funhouse - The Stooges. Somewhere between The Velvet Underground and The Ramones, Iggy Pop became the icon of punk. 'Raw Power' might be the better known of their albums, but this is by far the most cohesive and rawest effort. Everything screams at you with such intensity that it is impossible to ignore (with the exception of 'We Will Fall').

Everything after these top four albums can change drastically depending on my mood at any time. These four however are set in stone.

5) The Misfits - Walk Among Us. Not their fastest album since 'Earth A.D.' has that distinction. Not even the most versatile since 'Legacy of Brutality' holds that as well. Maybe the make-up was a little over the top and the devilock haircuts didn't help, but before 2 of the members regrouped as 'Glen Danzig's "old" band' and went on to be professional wrestlers (huh?) and go commercial on the name alone, this was them at their best - straight ahead punk with all the horror lyrics sung by a howling Elvis. They've since become a shadow of themselves, if not an all-around joke.

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