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Old 06-05-2005, 05:39 PM
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urgeok urgeok is offline

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Originally posted by Deposable
The punk scene was only in some citys. So if you were lucky you could goto a lot of shows and see up and coming bands.

Not all new wave is good.

I hate bands that use the word "progressive rock" or progressive this or that. Progressive is up to the listener who hears the music as unique. You can't label that you're self .

I was talking about music that appeals to a targeted group just for selling albums and making money. Cutting edge... not even close.
progressive rock was a wide focus genre - called that by the fans - not the band.

it started with music that went beyond the 'chorus verse chorus verse' that was the standard in popular rock since the 50's.

in the late 60's early 70's there was a number of bands that were defined by 'progressive rock - or art rock - like yes, genesis, strawbs, 10cc, rennessance, a pile of others - largely from the UK (actually there was even one called UK.

hate it till your bag falls off .. thats what people called it back then.

as far as the bands you mentioned not being cutting edge - i dont think so either ... but the 1st one to come along was .. then it sold - the record companies saw there was a dollar to be made so they started to package as many bands as they could with the flavour of the month sound. happens all the time and its the shit i avoid like the plague ..
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