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Old 01-12-2006, 08:47 AM
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urgeok urgeok is offline

Join Date: Aug 2004
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i think the 3 most important components of a film (besides a competant director and half decent actors) is lighting, sound and of course - editing.

lighting is HUGE. I dont mind innapropriate lighting if it creates a cool mood or atmosphere.

When you look at straight to video releases they almost always use this shitty green or yellow backlighting .. i have no idea why ...

I suspect it's due to not having the proper equipment to light a shot so they missguidedly use these horrible colours to provide some kind of effect other than shadows on bare walls.

it doesnt work. (hear that, Richard Band and you Full Moon assholes !)

yeah the italians are masters at lighting and colours .. i think they come by it honestly ...look at the rich history of art in that country.

and for a really nice example check Argento's Deep Red
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