Thread: New King novel
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Old 01-25-2006, 02:23 PM
oblivinoir oblivinoir is offline
Scares Little Kids
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 13

As was Shakespeare! When writers get off the gravy train, we sometimes get offerings like King's "The Colorado Kid", which I can just imagine he loved, but readers did not to the same degree. Arguably, King submitted this just to pull in some bucks when he was asked to do a book for the Hardcase Crime series. But he hardly needs dough! I thought "Kid" was well written, as are all King's works, but I didn't think it fit in the hardboiled crime genre. (It was as though in this instance "hardcase" meant a hard case to solve!). If King is writing potboilers, then he is at least trying to please his "constant readers".
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