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Old 10-22-2003, 07:42 PM
Posts: n/a
This movie was a complete and utter disgrace to not only the horror film industry but to all of it it was very poorly done and used gratuitous violence and gore to "scare" the audience. This is a common problem in horror mivies like in Hannibal, making someone eat there own brains isnt scary its just gross especially when they come right out and show it to you. Prettymuch the only thing this has in common with the original (which I might add was utterly amazing and didnt make me want to brak someone's kneecaps) was a van and a chainsaw. There are way too many problems with this movie the biggest of which is that leatherface cuts his femural artery which if it's not treated will kill you in about 20 minutes not to mention that he randomly shows up places like michael myers. Anthor huge problem was that it appeared that the dirctor and/or writer haddn't seen the original because they got the attitude of leatherface all wrong, he wouldn't step over a couch blocking his way he wouldn't even go around it he would just go right through no questions asked. And he wouldn't be quiet and search for a hiding jessica biel he would fling the chainsaw around like a madman cutting anything in sight to pieces. I feel stolen from haveing seen this movie and I will probably write to Tobe Hooper asking how he could possibly advocate such a horendous 2 hours this movie was. By the way there is a TCM 2 and 3 and a 4 even I noticed someone didn't know in one of their comments but rest assured they all suck too.
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