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Old 02-04-2006, 04:15 PM
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Hellsing Hellsing is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The edge of Hell
Posts: 116
This is a very touchy subjuct with a religon thats been around for 1,400 years.Frist the Norwegian paper "Jyllands-posten"printed the drawing not knowing it would piss off all muslims?Sorry but those people in charge are brain dead.How can it not upset them?How would people like it if it was Jesus or even come on to the forum and say somthing nasty against us all because we belive and injoy in somthing totally different from others.We all have rights to like and love our belives.
The sad part of this is who ever was behind this has done there job by showing the world that muslims are blood thrusty killers.
Yes there are bad apples out there that need to be taken care of by means of could you say turn to sauce,But not all are bad....

Life is like an erection,the more you think about it,the harder it gets....
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