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Old 02-05-2004, 01:31 PM
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Leatherface3000 Leatherface3000 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 54
A Nightmare on Elm Street 9:Blades of Thunder

In the hometown of Springwood everyone was panicked by the intense battle that had been freddy vs. sean and now there were reports of Freddy Krueger coming back.One night Sean woke up but not in the real world and saw a gigantic snake freddy out the window then 1000 of them smashed through his home then ate his friends,then freddy`s large hand took the roof off and searched for Sean,then Sean blasted an energy bomb at Freddy and Freddy`s body smashed through the dreamworld and he fell into the real world.Then he found the source of power he needed while Sean was knocked out,the intense glove Sean used to defeat all his old enemys,the exact same glove except with platinum leathering and the blades of thunder.Then he put on the glove and laughed an evil laugh,but his laughing was soon stopped when Sean called his friends and they attacked Fredy,then Freddy slashed at Sean and just when he was about to send the final blow,Sean threw him againest the button for the launchpad to the sun and he was launched into the air and burned in the depths of sun.

The next day when the sun shined there was Freddy`s face but this time he was half cyborg!

the end?
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