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Old 06-15-2006, 07:16 PM
ringu rocks
Posts: n/a
hey bigcherry,what up....i love "one missed call but didnt no there was a 2nd lol,a tale of 2 sisters was very creepy,i love phone.the director of phone has done a movie b4 phone it called sissor ( i think i spelt it wrong lol) omg a 3rd one missed call movie i cant we have 3 extreams at my local vid shop...but havent heard of any of the others though.have u c the eye 1&2 they r cool.i own the eye,i got it for xmas of mum.i like the horrors more than the mates ask why i watch these type and i just tell them,all the sub-titles r doing is telling u what they r saying.:D :p :cool:
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