Thread: Old Movie name?
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Old 02-10-2004, 05:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Old Movie name?

Can't remember much of it although it scared the cr@p out of me so I want to find it to see how cheezy it is now.

There are 2 parts I can remember.

1) a little boy is chasing a frog hopping on the ground. It hops into an old woden shed and the door closes behind him. There are jars all over the shelves and whatever is inside turns into hearts and they all start beating.

2) The parents (?) are driving down the road and a pair of devil eyes smashes into the windshield, breaking it and they careen off the road.

I seem to remember the devil eyes appearing in other windows in the flick.

Anyone know with this meager description what the movie was? It was on TV when I saw it and was probably around '77-'80.
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