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Old 10-28-2003, 11:31 AM
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Killer Clown#1 Killer Clown#1 is offline
King of Klowns
Join Date: Sep 2003
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One kill that I already have planned out goes like this. A man walks into the "tent" which is extremly dark inside all of a sudden a spot light goes on him then he notices he's on a platform so he looks down and sees that he is high up, then one of those things that trapiez people swing on comes torwards him and grabs him(it has arms) It then starts swinging him back and forth then it lets go of him. The man is relived to notice a net below him as he falls but the net turns into lasers(la resident evil) and cuts him into bits.:D
"I don't care if you were covered in peanut butter and had a 15 hooker gang-bang"-Adam(SAW)
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