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Old 10-30-2006, 11:13 AM
BlOoDy_DeSiRe's Avatar
BlOoDy_DeSiRe BlOoDy_DeSiRe is offline
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Originally Posted by Ginger<3 View Post
sure there's a difference between a picture and solicitation but my neice is the same age as the girl and she's constantly taking too old pictures of herself, she's been caught talking to adult men in a sexual nature etc so i see where this girl is going. bottom line is a 14 year old girl should be showing pictures of herself in a skirt that barely covers her as, from behind, on the internet. there's only one reason for it ... attention. that attention can turn into very bad things.
hmmm, lets see.Is it my fault there are pervs out there? Am I putting words in there mouths? NO! I dress how I want wether someone will call me jailbait or not. I may be 14 but who says we all cant mature quickly? Incase you havnt noticed: REALITY UPDATE. READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!!! I dress how most 14 yr girls dress around here. Hell, even 13 and some 12 years olds. I cannot help what Im surrounded by. Society does it, and just because u may be from god knows where, and where ever that is people my age may not dress there how people my age dress around here, does not mean I will change my looks just for your pretty little face ma'am. If you want to call me a slut, or some one craving attention then SO BE IT, aslong as I know who I am , and those with common sense do, then Im happy. You're happy, we're all fucking happy and dandy.
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