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Old 10-30-2006, 12:00 PM
Trilby Wearin' Maniac's Avatar
Trilby Wearin' Maniac Trilby Wearin' Maniac is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 34
I'm a King fan, I used to take the massive ones like The Stand into sixth-form college to keep me going when I was stuck there and had 5 hour gaps between lessons! I find them more entertaining than scary, with the possible exception of The Shining which creeped me out more than the film with those topiary animals, and reading more about the history of the Overlook was interesting. I also rate IT, Christine, Salem's Lot, Misery, loads of others and also all the ones set in Castle Rock eg Needful Things (which was even better imo because of the crossovers with Stand By Me/The Body).
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