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Old 12-06-2006, 09:00 AM
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trendkill trendkill is offline
Scares Little Kids
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 15
Well first of all, ... that idiot and rude user, who i dont even care whose name it is, his favourite horror movie is phantasm.......... No out of all the Horror movies ever written/directed and filmed....... he has phantasm on his number 1 slot. Im not trying to slate Phanatsm. Its an alright movie, well somewhat, (the Tall Man).... but it doesnt stand a chance in hell against all the greats that moulded the horror genre into what it is today duting the 70's... Pah... did phatasm ever start a revolution or anything. Now thats one users favourite. If this is the example of the type of people on this site, god help me why did i ever think people might have some taste in a place called ""
Now dude.
"I was trying to be nice, but what a fuckign NERD. Go outside and hope to hell your pasty white skin doesnt burst into flames in the sunlight. Chase butterflies, look at girls.. UNPLUG for god's sake."

What part of nice is sticking a picture of a bum up, and then referring to me as what you did before. I'm 25, got a really hot girlfriend... I live in Ireland and I go to my house on the Mediterranean once a month for a week.... How hypocritic is what you just said above. .. Dude ... look how many posts youve made 10,375... my god man, you do know, from sitting in front of computers etc you can get a bone disease called rickets. I bert ur a bow legged as they come. Now go get a real life and see that wife that you seem to refer to to reinforce your sexuality. Fucking Losers. For the rest on the site..... Take a good look at this rude guy and hope ye dont turn into him... if not alrready. You'll spend you lives doing nothing while others chase their dreams and maybe sucess... you'll always be whatifs.... but maybe thats what ye want.
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