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Old 12-16-2006, 01:12 AM
Posts: n/a
help with name of film

Hi all

I am wondering if someone will be able to help me tracking down the name of a film a saw a long time ago.

I must appologise in advance for the extreme vagueness in my details, all i remember is it was a truly awesome movie and i really want to watch it again.

Basically all I can remember about the movie is this;
I saw the movie about 6-7 years ago, and even then it was still a kind of old movie. the movie was full colour. If i had to guess a time frame, maybe id say the late 80's or 90's.

I'm pretty sure it was about warewolfs, (posibly some vampires, but i dont think so), and towards the end of the movie the 'head' warewolf gets killed (well so we are lead to believe). and then right at the end of the movie it zooms out to a cemetary with the head warewolf still alive!! and he is looking over the cemtary in 'warewolf vission' or nightvission kind of camera mode. I think you could also hear the wolf breathing. I suppose they did this to 'leave it open' for a sequal or something.

Anyway, I know that was incredibally vauge but hopefully someone out there knows the movie :)

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