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Old 12-19-2006, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Elvis_Christ View Post
What's the August Underground stuff like? Does it have a plot or is it the whole "we found a tape" deal like Guinea Pig? It looked interesting from what I've seen in magazines n' shit and I heard the effects are amazing (got them the Murder-Set-Pieces gig).
They are seriously nasty (especially Mordum). There is no real plot, it just pretends to be the home movies of a group of very sick killers. The special effects are very good, but the production itself is poor - it tries to look like a handycam home movie to look "authentic" but I think this detracts from the film. It tries too hard to look amateur and ends up detracting from the atmosphere rather than adding to it.

Mordum is nasty, far more so than the Guinea Pig films; and has none of the redeeming qualities of Aftermath. Some of the cast are just annoying. I have no desire to re-watch. I just don't find films with no plot and no purpose (but to shock and disgust) have any repeat value.

By all means, watch if you want to see "the worst of the worst", but don't expect anything but good special effects and scenes that I think would overstep most people's boundaries (most horror fans' boundaries).

It is comparable to Scrapbook, only much more graphic and crosses more taboos. But like with Scrapbook, I could be upset by the images, however realise it's only the make-believe of some seriously depraved people and get bored and sick of just being disgusted for the sake of it.
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