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Old 12-20-2006, 12:44 PM
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slayer666 slayer666 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 809
PR3SSUR3, I'm not arguing that anyone should restrict your right to watch these films. I wouldn't favor that any more than I'd favor someone forcing me to watch them!

I suppose I'm wondering about the impact of films like these both on vulnerable viewers and on regular viewers. Clearly, no well-adjusted person is going to go out and hurt people because of what they see on film, no matter how extreme the film might be. I agree with you 100% here. Vulnerable viewers are another matter, but that doesn't mean there are no effects on "normal" people.

I understand how horror fans who have habituated to the level of violence and gore in mainstream films might want to seek out something more extreme. When regular horror just doesn't shock anymore, I can see how something a bit more exotic might sound good. But what comes after the Guinea Pig films? What happens when they are not real, graphic, or shocking enough? Can something worse be imagined? And what happens when one truly habituates to violence so it has no more emotional impact?
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