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Old 12-26-2006, 04:25 AM
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Vodstok Vodstok is offline
Fear scented candle
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The edge of forever
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We have ahad a mouse problem ever since we almost got flooded, apparently the little bastards were making their homes down by the river.

We ended up putting anything at ll food related up in the top cabinets because the mice never made it up that far (nothing to climb on to get up there) and clean thoroughly as possible before we go to bed (the baby leves a shitload of food on the floor). So far, it seems to have worked, we got a day or two where you could tell the little fuckers were foraging for food (they shit EVERYWHERE), but that seems to have stopped.

They stay where the food is, so if they have none available, they go away. If you have pets, put their food away at night (we keep ours in a resealable container)

When all else fails, try one of the following:

Kill one, then send a picture of it wrapped around a sardine. Think Luca Brazi, only small.

Cut of the head of one and slip it into their bed while they sleep.

if you have time, you couls probably fashion cement shoes by the dozen using some quick-krete and dixie cups.

Breed a super creature designed to feed on mice only, then die after a few days. These kinds of things almost never breed on their own and turn into a race of giant bug people who live under the srtreets of new york, ultimately to be killed by Mira sorvino and some dork with glasses.

Get a comical looking cat and watch thier antics. Doesnt kill them, but sure is fun to watch them run into the hole and see the cat's face turn into the same shape because he hit it so hard.

Place some cheese on a plate and sit by it with a hammer. It gets messy, but one of two things will happen, you will get all of them (buy a lot of mr clean....), or they will start going somewhere else for food.
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