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Old 02-08-2007, 02:11 PM
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Roderick Usher Roderick Usher is offline
HDC Sole Survivor!!

Join Date: Aug 2006
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Valentine's Day Poem

I really used to hate Valentine's Day, but lately I've seen it as a chance to explore the more macabre hearty imagery. Last year I plastinated two lamb hearts, spray-painted them red, bound them in barbed wire and put them in a shadow-box. It's still on the turntable and we're planning on burning and/or smashing it on V-D this year.

I aslo wanted to give the wife a little love poem that mixes gore with the idea of those silly Necco Sweetheart candies.

Be Mine
(c) 2007

Stirring as I think of you,
It flutters, leaps and calls your name,
It thunders to the heavens
“Be Mine.”

Born within this Ossian cage,
My Necco-flavoured candy love
Rages to be free, to be yours

This beating threatens to destroy,
Explode from out my chest
And rend my flesh to be near you
“Forever Yours”

Now lying, bleeding on the floor,
I claw as deep as fingers can,
And cracking bones to yank it free,
I hold my heart within my hand.
Pulsing with undying lust,
This organ is no longer mine,
And parting lips to breathe your name,
"Will you be my Valentine?"
"Little, vicious minds abound with anger and revenge, and are incapable of feeling the pleasure of forgiving their enemies."
Earl of Chesterfield

"A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well."
Francis Bacon
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