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Old 06-11-2007, 07:15 AM
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azathoth777 azathoth777 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: The Space Between Worlds
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When I heard they where making I Am Legend I was happy. I have been waiting for a good adaptation of Mathesons great story. All previous incarnations where o.k. at best.
Then I heard Will Smith was staring in it, and my hopes for a good version died. I don't like Will Smith. I'm sure the movie will be bad, but I hope not as bad as I, Robot; another good story ruined by Will Smith and the makes of that movie.
look at yourself - you're a f*cking mess, and yet you're saying nothing happened? - nothing happened???
yes, i know so much is so ordinary, so coarse, and so vulgar. but survival is simply not enough. nowhere near.
what's the point of surviving? survive what? don't you realize you're going to die? f*ck your missions, your crusade.
i demand and expect quality.
right now, once and for all.
quality time.
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