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Old 10-28-2007, 05:35 PM
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massacre man massacre man is offline
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__V__ and Massacre Man make their ways around the mansion in search of the others, they search all of the rooms until they come across one with a giant lock on it, Fortunato can be heard moaning inside. Massacre Man begins smashing in the lock, __V__ keeps lookout, while he has his back turned one of the werewolves tries sneaking up on Massacre Man, it is directly behind him when the gun backfires sending Massacre Man's last shot through the head of the wolf,

Massacre Man: Holy shit, that was lucky...

__V__: Yeah...

Massacre Man and __V__ stare at the body for a moment before hearing the next wolf making it's way toward them, they snap back to attention and Massacre Man takes another swing. The lock comes undone, the two walk inside. Disease is tied to a beam coming from the middle of the room hardly conscious, Ferretchucker is tied to a chair with his eyelids sliced off facing a mirror, his head is held securely so he can't turn away, he is stuck staring at his deformed reflection, Fortunato is on the floor with his hands and feet tied as if Neverending didn't get the chance to do anything to him. __V__ pulls out 3 syringes

Massacre Man: Is that the stuff you used on me?

__V__: Yeah.

Massacre Man: Cool...

The other wolf from the table bursts in through the door and pins Massacre Man to the ground, __V__ leans Hammerfan on the wall and grabs the gun from Fortunato and holds it at his side

__V__ (at the werewolf: Hey buddy, I got somethin' for ya.

__V__ shoots the werewolf in the head, it falls over, Massacre Man stands up.

Massacre Man I owe you another one.

__V__: I'll remember that.

__V__ unties Fortunato, Massacre Man unties Ferretchucker and Fortunato stands up and gets Disease. Massacre Man takes his keys out and hands them to Fortunato.

Massacre Man: Here, my van's outside, get everyone out of here.

Fortunato: What about you two?

Massacre Man: Don't worry about us, we've got it under control.

__V__ (laughing): That was really cheesy.

Massacre Man: I know.

Cut to a few moments later, everyone is downstairs, Disease seems a bit more responsive and is holding Ferretchuker up, Fortunato is holding Hammerfan, they are right next to the exit, __V__ opens it, Ferretchucker pulls out his gun and shoots himself in the head. Everybody stands in an awkward silence, Massacre Man inches toward the body, he picks up the gun and pockets it.

__V__ (Stunned and unfocused): Go...

Fortunato and Disease walk out with Hammerfan, __V__ immediately slams the door behind them. Fortunato and Disease exit the gate through the pummeling rain, massive thunder, and blinding lightning and get to the van, which has had it's tires slashed and is covered in various scratches and bite marks
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