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Old 11-16-2007, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by PR3SSUR3 View Post
From Wikipedia - and the superb South Park episode 'Christian Rock Hard':-

"Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, seeking 'inspiration', decide to download music from the Internet (because CDs are too expensive) and they are charged by the FBI for illegal downloading. An FBI agent shows them how serious the consequences of downloading can be. In a scene reminiscent of A Christmas Carol, musicians like Lars Ulrich (drummer of metal band Metallica) and Britney Spears are so affected by loss of income from music piracy that they must substitute extremely luxurious purchases for slightly less luxurious ones (Lars wants to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed next to his pool, but must now wait a few weeks, and Britney is not able to keep a Gulfstream IV, so she replaces it with a smaller Gulfstream III, which doesn't have a remote control for its surround sound DVD system)"

If you are still not convinced that the South Park team always manage to hit the nail right on the head, then that this episode also features the outburst "Oh fuck Jesus!" should sway it for you one way or another.
great episode, and I agree that South Park could very well be the most clever show on television.
Oh, parlez-nous à boire, non pas du marriage
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