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Old 04-10-2004, 03:29 PM
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Originally posted by Khafka
It's just a bunch of dumb people tryin to stray as far away from
originality as they can.these kind of movies has always used the same concepts and rip off eachother every damned day.

They have always used some wired kid that knows to much
(Shining, Ring, Gothika, Stir of Echoes)
I know! What is up with all these little girls who are like ghosts who got killed and are seeking vengence? (Kind of veering off the point you were trying to make.)

First Stir Of Echoes (girl who got killed by two guys who tried to rape her), then The Ring (litle girl who got killed by her mother), and now Gothika (a girl who got killed by Halle Barry's husband and his friend).
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