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Old 04-05-2008, 08:52 PM
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ChronoGrl ChronoGrl is offline
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Des - I agree with you on that one. I think that The Box is overlooked as a strong volume in his work. It was my favorite of the Three Extremes shorts.

Originally Posted by angrymob View Post
Miike is always at least interesting to me.Thats as high a compliment I can give any director.I have seen Several of his movies and I think at this point AUDITION is his defining work.
IMPRINT certainly got mixed reviews but I found it intruiging,disgusting and very entertaining.
Based on his work to date, I would pursue any film he is attatched to.

Great thread, Chrono!!
I have not seen Imprint. Thanks for bringing it to my attention; I'm adding it to my Netflix queue right now.

So as part of my monthly Ladies Asian Horror Night, I brought over Ichi The Killer and watched it this evening.

A few thoughts:
  • As per usual, the visuals were stunning, the characters lucid and eccentric and there is a ubiquitous feeling of dis-ease.
  • The murder/fight/torture scenes were great - Definitely goes out of its way to make the audience feel uncomfortable, but at the same time emulating classic horror themes.
  • Typical Miike themes exist - Violence begetting violence, Past defining present, S&M (sex linked inextricably with violence), and the emphasis on power, control, hubris and weakness.

This was Miike doing Yakuza, so he wasn't necessarily trying to do something new, per say, but to make a popular JA genre his own. I honestly thought that the movie was slow (typical of Asian films, yes, but I found myself getting bored between violent action scenes, when usually I am captivated for one reason or another). I think that while the visuals are stunning, ultimately as a film, Ichi ran a little flat. I found myself wanting to like it so much more than I actually did (if that makes any sense).

Any comments on Ichi? I know that a lot of people single this movie out as being particularly iconic - What is your take on the film?

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