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Old 04-05-2008, 09:08 PM
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The Mothman The Mothman is offline
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I have mixed feelings about him aswell.

at first I disliked Ichi The Killer. It grew on me though.
its a fucking crime that people call it one of the goriest movies ever made, becasue its far, far from it, and may leave many people dissapointed if they go into it expecting that, which is what i did. one of the main reasons i didnt like it too much at first, but i gained respect for it through multiple viewings.

Imprint seemed like it existed only to fit as much depravity on a screen within an hour as it could.

I think he has a knack for surrealism though.
Happiness of the katakuris was bizzare and lots of fun, and Ive heard Gozu was more or less a surrealist film too.

I dont really know what to think of Audition. It didnt really stand out to me as anything special.

Ive been meaning to catch Visitor Q, and especially this Sukiyaki Western Django.

I think hes got a lot of potential, and if your into ultra-depravity, general bizzare-ness, and pitch black humor, hes the guy for you.

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