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Old 06-25-2008, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Despare View Post
Any animal flashbacks?
I don't get it.


I did not care much for the Hills Have Eyes remake. Then again, I did not expect it to be an exploitation film (I've never seen the original) so


the mutant rape scene just repulsed me and I didn't really see the point.


I still want to see the original, however, as I understand that it's a fairly iconic and influential film. I realize that it's still exploitative, but at least I'll know that going into it.

As for Hills Have Eyes 2 I honestly went into it ironically and planning on making fun of it the whole time, but I thought it wasn't that bad. I think that as an autonomous film, it was just fine. It's a siege action movie with army guys. And mutants. I thought that it was well directed and the bloody scenes were well done. The acting was pretty bad, but I enjoyed the fact that it was unflinchingly over the top but yet taking itself seriously at the same time. I also enjoyed how ridiculously cliched the main character Napoleon comes into himself to rise as the hero. I guess I like the camp factor of it.

Can't really explain it. Wouldn't necessarily recommend it to my horror-loving friends; Hills Have Eyes 2 is a guilty pleasure for me because I see that it honestly has very little cinematic value.

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