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Old 11-25-2008, 11:11 PM
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Evil Dead
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Originally Posted by _____V_____ View Post
- Cactus : It is the year 1931. Dracula has just been released and is doing well. Universal have a winner on their hands, and are already planning a possible sequel. Their rival production company wants you, their Manager, to think up of a dream project which would outscore Universal at their own game. What possible idea can you conjure up, and pitch it successfully to your peers?

Ok, here goes...since I'm about to be gone for 4 days with most likely no time to get on here, I'll throw myself on the hand grenade next...

Interesting scenario, to say the least. With the success of Dracula and the tapping of the well of the horror genre, it is our time to carve our niche. The way that we do that is with a little known author at the time, HP Lovecraft and his tale of Wilbur Whateley in "The Dunwich Horror". This tale is of Wilbur and his grandfather reaching out, through dark means, to the ancient race known only as The Old Ones. They are successful in bringing forth an unseen presence that grows within their farmhouse. Eventually Wilbur makes his way to Miskatonic University to obtain an original printing of the Necronomicon, from which he can summon these beings, and is killed attempting to steal the tome. Without Wilbur, the presence grows, breaking free from the farmhouse and terrorizing the countryside, only to be stopped by professors from the aforementioned Miskatonic U.

This provides the audience with good triumphing over evil, but open ended with a wealth of possibilities for future endeavors with Mr Lovecraft and the universe that he has created and will hopefully expand in the future. They are dark stories, for sure, but many of which contain underlying themes of repressed desires, dangerous and unacceptable behaviour. Primal and basic elements of great horror and of which the public would be sure to want more.

Also, we should strive to make this serious. Any attempt at showing creatures, other than the monsters of man, must be avoided, in my opinion. The fear that we should attempt to capitalize upon is the fear of the unknown, man's darkest desires come to life, so to speak.

My friends, this is our not let it pass us by.
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