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Old 01-26-2009, 05:30 PM
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Ferret- Agreeing with the Doc on this one. The solution of "we'll add CGI and everyone will come see it!" is one of the worst things about remakes of horror movies. Some of the casting seems off to me as well. Additionally- this doesn't seem like a likely Coen Brothers project. This was an average effort.

Bwind- You get major kudos for your diatribe about remakes. I couldn't say it any better myself. I also like your ideas for updating the script. Setting it in Florida is a perfect choice, and I like the emphasis on a grittier more realistic approach. However, in south Florida you are far more likely to have a mayor of Cuban ancestry than Hispanic. High marks from me.

Roshiq- Really an excellent choice for a remake, if done right. One major quibble right from the start though- in this day there would be no map with pins on it- it would all be computerized. If you can get past that, you have some excellent ideas. There are some missteps at the end, IMO. Why not have some brief shots of zombie like creatures? They could be explained as Robert's visions, and could be very scary. Too much explaination at the end. Just show the priest finding the black pin on Robert's location and end it there. Really excellent research on your part though, including finding the original script and deciding to go with the original ending. An excellent if flawed enffort.

And for all of you- enough with the "fake news reports" kind of marketing. It's tired and old already.
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Last edited by neverending; 01-26-2009 at 05:49 PM.
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