Thread: Poltergeist!
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Old 11-10-2003, 06:30 AM
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Posts: 72
Whether or not scary, they had a knack for being freaky/creative. The half man that Coach vomits. The long legged thing in the hallway blocking the entrance to the childrens room. the braces, the moving meat, the forty year old smpoking dope... it was all very creative and interesting to watch at all times.

Plus, story wise, this was a good one. It wasn't so much about an Native American Burial Ground, but rather a Christian Burial Ground. I love that alone. It was original and it was very well done.

the third in the series didn't strike me as all that good, but I did enjoy the two ghouls in the elevator making out while they rip each other's face off. Again, very creative.
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