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Old 10-30-2009, 06:02 AM
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psycho d psycho d is offline
Bad Natured
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Ringu 2 (1999). This sequel had a lot of promise. It starts up a week after Ringu ends, and it attempts to delve into the meaning of what is actually happening. For me, it took on too much and was thereby unable to deliver. The original probably took some of the air out of the sequel's sails, but i still think too much was going on here for to be credible. As well, certain things just seem to come about without much back-plot (does telekinesis run rampant in Japan?). Given that, it was still a very good effort and definitely worth a watch. It may have helped had i watched the two within a week of each other, but i did not. Ashe.

Fate is my mistress, mother of the cruel abomination that is hope.
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