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Old 10-31-2009, 10:01 PM
Holy Wood
Posts: n/a
Question does anyone know this name of this scary movie?

hi everyone, I'm new here to these forums :), well anyway,

I'm trying to remember the name of this scary movie I seen back in the 90's it wasnt in movie theaters and it was on TV only, and it was made in the summer of 1997, 1998, or 1999 somewhere around there, possibly in the summer of 2000

anyways the movie is about this family that goes on a vacation to a small town thats really strange and all the people in the town are kinda weird and the family stays there for I think the whole summer and they stay in a house or something and while their there, some kind of evil spirit or evil unknown creature is trying to kill the family or harrass them (cant really remember) and all kinds of weird stuff starts happening in the house and the family is afraid to sleep in there rooms and they all wind up sleeping in the living room and no one can see the evil spirit/creature but they can hear it and sense its there, and I think the family tries to escape and leave the town and at the end of the movie the family is driving back home down the highway and its kinda dark and the evil sprit/creature or what ever it was hits the windshield, in the movie, what ever hit the windshield at the end it kind of looked like a huge cockroach or a really big bug, thats all I can really remember about the movie and I was wondering if it sounds familiar to anyone and if they know the name of the movie?

another thing I remember from the movie is one of the family members comes up missing or something and I think it was either the son or father, and the family is trying to find him
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