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Old 11-07-2009, 05:46 AM
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psycho d psycho d is offline
Bad Natured
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: in the gloom...
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Double Suicide (1969). A daring masterpiece of cinema, this film is intimately based on a a Japanese puppet play, and there are obvious elements which are indicative to the guiding hands of fate that remain ostensibly apparent to the viewer. How Masahiro Shinodo pulled this off is itself a miracle. A dark, tragic, and well-crafted love story for sure, there is enough distance between the viewer and character such that the insanely tragic situation that comes to fruition is not too much for the viewer to bear. The acting and set scenes were appositely overdone, once again a daring triumph as it only added to the stroke of cinematic genius found in this immaculate work of art. That the lead actress played both female leads flawlessly was not only superb in its own right, but i would contend that there were some symbolic elements to this casting choice as well. The cinematography was incredible, and that ending, stunningly brilliant!!! This movie was simple a courageous and magnificent work of art. Ashe.

Fate is my mistress, mother of the cruel abomination that is hope.
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