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Old 04-30-2010, 08:37 AM
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FreddyMyers FreddyMyers is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Posts: 571
New Freddy: What do you think of it?

Although i pretty much hate new horror movies i couldnt help but to go see the new NOES. I didnt expect much from it so i wasnt blown away or terribly disappointed. Micheal Bay sucks ass reguarding horror and has no business doing anything related to it. Horrible blends of the first one which only pissed off people who knew enough of the original to be able to tell what scenes were trying to be redone. Im sure they'll be mixed reviews about this but i thought Jackie Earl Haley did a Great job as the new freddy. Took a lil bit to get used to but he still was creepy and his body language was sort of kept freddyesque so to speak. Kinda tough not seeing his as Rorschach though. Overall i didnt hate the movie cause i knew what i was going to see with Bay as the director. I expected BOO kinda scares and that is what i got. Unfortunetly that is the only way to scare an audience nowadys. Anyway i want opinions, thoughts, reactions, etc.

Im posting from my phone which sucks. can an administrator or moderator delete one of these please.

Last edited by FreddyMyers; 04-30-2010 at 09:20 AM. Reason: Double thread
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