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Old 04-30-2010, 01:48 PM
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siorai siorai is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 192
Originally Posted by Ferox13 View Post
Personally I'm a vegetarian and I try not to preach but when some one says kill a director (that i like) but yet condone the killing of countless animals in passing for their means then....
Not to condone it at all (I'm vegan), but I can see why there is a big disconnect for many people. People don't eat "pig" or "cow," they eat pork and beef. People don't eat "flesh" or "muscle," they eat steaks and porkchops. It's a subtle, but important bit of marketing by the meat industry. Not to mention just how the meat itself is packaged so neat and tidy with that nice little maxipad underneath to soak up not the blood, but the "juices." It's made to be so far removed from a once living being and transformed into just another foodstuff that is produced to be eaten. So people losing touch with just what's on their plate isn't too surprising.
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