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Old 04-30-2010, 05:12 PM
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Elvis_Christ Elvis_Christ is offline

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Must be time for someone to talk about incisors and how you don't get enough vitamins from just eating vegetables.... oh yeh and PETA et al. Hey weren't Hitler and Manson vegetarians :rolleyes:

siorai is dead right and it's sickening. The way people think it is their "right" gets me spitting blood.

The "free range" thing cracks me up. There's nothing humane about it at all (as Ferox mentioned). Wake up. Just another get out of jail free card for people who want to feel better about their selfish actions.

We live in a (somewhat) free world it's our own choice what we put into our bodies and it's none of my business what people choose to do but I just want people to see that its not that hard to do the right thing.

If you're bothered by the scenes in these two movies go to a slaughterhouse and check out where you meal comes from and see some really twisted wrong shit.

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