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Old 05-11-2010, 04:11 AM
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psycho d psycho d is offline
Bad Natured
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Black Sheep (2006). With mutant killer sheep as the premise of this flick, one wonders how it ever got from an idea to an actual production. In a word, cuz it was swimmingly good fun. With the guys at WETA Workshop helming the gore, a director that had a clear picture in mind, and a young vibrant cast bringing verve to the set, this fun horror piece was a treat. While it was definitely a horror comedy, it never disintegrates into a morass of silly garbage, but instead remains on that ever wonderful, precarious threshold in betwixt terror and the absurd. The acting was pretty darn good for such an enterprise, doing their own stunts for most of the project. And Danielle Mason was quite the cutie in her role as Experience, a chakra loving new age rager. This is one of those special flicks whose set chemistry defies description. Ashe.

Fate is my mistress, mother of the cruel abomination that is hope.

Last edited by psycho d; 05-11-2010 at 04:14 AM.
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