Thread: Martyrs
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Old 09-07-2010, 09:23 AM
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Evil Dead
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Originally Posted by ChronoGrl View Post
But here's the thing about Martyrs: It's smart. Like, wicked smaht. It's not just abuse for the sake of depravity - It actually had a message driven into the sadism - And the "message," while some have said that it was preachy and over-the-top, I found really, really interesting. That made the movie a bit more palatable than your average exploitation flick.

Is it fair for someone to say Martyrs sucked? God, no.
Out of curiosity, just what did you think the "wicked smaht" message was in Martyrs? I ask because I found that the plotline felt weak and was basically a poorly thought out excuse for a quintessential torture porn flick and nothing more. For that reason I do say that Martyrs sucked. It had the potential to not suck. It could have been a supremely disturbing movie (that's not to say it's not disturbing of course), but the vehicle for the violence just does not work at all if you know what a martyr actually is. Maybe there's another way to look at this movie that I'm just not seeing.
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