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Old 04-16-2011, 09:02 AM
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TheWickerFan TheWickerFan is offline
Whip In My Valise
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Originally Posted by neverending View Post
And your constant admonitions to only talk about things that happened since you arrived are equally unwelcome.
I never said that.

I am pointing out to those that complain about new members never staying and the forum dying that maybe saying things like "we need some older members to come back and liven things up" or "things just aren't what they used to be" is not the best way to make newer members feel welcome. I've received numerous complaints during my time here from new members saying they didn't realize this was an exclusive club where you were looked upon with narrow suspicion or scorn until deemed worthy.

Make up your mind whether you want a lot of traffic or an exclusive club for people who only agree with each other (or at least agree with the head honcho).