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Old 09-30-2011, 10:42 AM
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ChronoGrl ChronoGrl is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Waltham, MA
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Hesher (2010)

I think a lot of people will like this movie - Incredibly strong performances from such a great cast (I mean - Rainn Wilson, Joseph Gordon Levitt, - Natalie Portman?!)... It's a sad/angry little "dark comedy" and at first I didn't think I was really enjoying myself... It's not that it was a bad movie - I just get tired of seeing sad/angry people doing sad/angry things... But, ultimately, the ending was phenomenal - One of the best movie endings I've seen. ever. Incredibly moving and powerful.


Ravenous (1999)

Bahaha - This movie went from boring to bad - I just couldn't suspend my believe and spent the latter half of the movie giggling at how seriously it took itself. It was odd, because I had heard such great things about it and some people really seem to like it... But I thought it was actually pretty stupid.

Interesting concept, obviously had funding... But otherwise, totally flopped.

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