Thread: Art Of TypH
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Old 06-11-2012, 04:59 AM
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TypH TypH is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Canada
Posts: 290
first off going to say sorry for the crappy quality images, my scanner isn't being the greatest and the camera on the phone sucks ass, but you get the general idea of theses next few pieces I find.

First up are two new SKETCH CARDS, the first one is based off of Jim Carrey from Ace Ventura!

the next sketch card is of the best crypt keeper ever...Tales From The Crypt!

The last piece today is a work in progress, a 9" x 12" piece based off of GHOULIES trying something new with this one, I use to always spend hours in the pencil stage because I was never sure when I would be able to ink the piece or if I ever would be able to ink the page, the way i have done this piece I just did up some rough loose lines and then tighten them up in the inks and added the detail in the ink stage as I am going. So hope you folks like it so far!
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