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Old 02-11-2013, 05:33 PM
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Giganticface Giganticface is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 950
Great list! This one is definitely up my alley. I think I've seen close to 50% of them, and will be on the lookout for the rest.

I love that there's a good mix of styles in here, and that it's not just about which movie can out-disgust the next. I'm guessing there's an entire genre of Tumbling Doll of Flesh fetish snuff porn, but listing just that one is plenty.

I suspect that a few are listed purely for their historical significance. For example, Blood Feast -- not all that disturbing or gory, but I'm sure the subject matter crossed lines at the time. Also, Bay of Blood, from what I remember isn't even the most bloody giallo I can think of, but I assume it's in here for its influence on the slasher sub-genre. Good call on including those, but drawing the line there. If you take that logic too far, you'd be including anything shocking "at the time," such as Haxan, assuming that people in the 20's crapped their pants when they saw it, while now it's really just a fun & creepy historical anomaly.

The one I might have an issue with is Driller Killer. I believe it never should have made the Video Nasty list, and probably is on it because of its title and video cover, which was basically just an attempt to increase sales. I consider it a fairly artistic psychological thriller and not very gory or disturbing. I'd compare it more to Taxi Driver than any slasher or human atrocity horror movie, however, maybe Taxi Driver is psychologically disturbing enough that it could have made this HDC list. :)

The cannibal subgenre seems a little over-represented, although maybe that's just because I've been chasing Cannibal Holocaust ever since I saw it, and nothing else holds a candle to it.

I'm also not convinced about Slither. Meh. The "fat" scene, maybe?

If I were to add one to the list, it would be Audition. Personally, I think this movie is iconic in its shock value, and the final scene is vivid and memorable, even if not exceedingly gory.

Of course, there are a ton of great choices...

Splatter: Naked Blood -- Great selection! I love the piercing scene, and of course, who doesn't enjoy fingers tempura?

Henry -- Yes, totally disturbing in its realism.

Aftermath -- Ugh, yes. Yes it does belong on this list.

Antichrist -- There is, and probably never will be again, anything like the genitalia mutilation scene. How did it make the list though, given that it came out after the list was compiled?

I also like ChronoGrl's Borderland suggestion. Good movie. Maybe not a top 100 most disturbing, but definitely belongs in the conversation.

Thanks for all the great recommendations!
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