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Old 02-19-2013, 01:52 PM
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H3orH3D_Script4U H3orH3D_Script4U is offline
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Posts: 215
Didn't want to do it but here you go, Alittle more !!! this is where the real criticism starts from real fans !!!




P.O.V. from the middle of the street, looking upon a
poverty stricken, worn down two story residence. In a
quite, but rough looking neighborhood.

The CAMERA then begins STEDILY approaching the house
through an opened chain link fence, past an unraked yard
and then approaches an open basement window, as some
random show begins to play on a TV from inside.



P.O.V. in the middle of a darkened basement with the
stairs set to the left of the screen.

You hear someone unlatching the door at the top of the
steps. A large MAN named JACOB LOGAN, who has MICHAEL's
build and wearing an identical jumpsuit to MICHAEL's,
begins down the stairs, first few steps.

Before showing the man's upper body, or face. The CAMERA
begins slowly CIRCLING the room to the RIGHT, revealing
first, a small desk with 3 or 4 mannequins heads on top
of it, with MASKS identical to MICHAEL's, then an old
ROCKING CHAIR, and then an old fuzzy TV, that is now
showing a NEWS REPORT, that's interrupted the show that
was on. (The report starts once the CAMERA starts PAN.)

We interrupt this program to bring
you this news alert, to inform you
that another body has just been
found. Believed to be the results of
the tragic events that transpired
yesterday, involving former local
resident Michael Myers. Raising the
numerous body count tragically by
one more. With the one small bright
spot from the story. That being, the
survival of local girl Laurie Strode.
Who is said to be resting comfortably
at a local psychiatric hospital,
still reported to be suffering from
symptoms of a concussion. If we
receive any more breaking news, we
will keep you up to date.

The CAMERA continues circling as the REPORT plays,
showing just beside the TV, a wall covered in NEWSPAPER
CLIPPINGS related to MICHAEL and his many massacres.
After the CAMERA stops on the clippings. It moves to a
SHOT behind JACOB, as he watches the end of the NEWS
REPORT, and when it ends. He seems angry and clicks off
the TV and flings it off the stand that it was on. He
then approaches the wall with the clippings, and quickly
slaps a new one up, with a picture of LAURIE, with the

You then HEAR the SOUND of a RAT as the CAMERA then PANS
DOWN, revealing a large RAT AT JACOB's feet, right next
to a BOX of RAT POISON PELLETS. Suddenly JACOB snatches
the RAT up and takes it out of scene as the CAMERA STAYS
PUT at his feet. You begin HEARING the RAT SQUEAL and
then a flesh ripping SOUND that ends the squealing. The
RAT's HEAD and now HEADLESS BODY hits the floor. It then
returns to a SHOT of the clippings, as JACOB takes his
strong bloody hand and circles the picture of LAURIE with

JACOB bends down and picks up the RAT POISON. He begins
shaking the BOX and slowly walking towards the MASKS. He
pours out the last few PELLETS and tosses the empty BOX
aside. He then quickly snatches a MASK from one of the
mannequins, and begins lumbering up the stairs, just
showing his back as he slams the door.



JACOB forcibly latches the BASEMENT DOOR shut with a
latch and a PAD LOCK, still seeming angry.

TRACKING SHOT behind JAKE of just his RIGHT ARM with the
MASK in his hand, being squeezed as he approaches the
kitchen. Which shows an older woman, MICHELLE LOGAN who
is digging through the cupboard.

P.O.V. from inside the cupboard as she continues
shuffling through it, as JACOB is approaching OUT OF
FOCUS behind her. He reaches out his left ARM, over a
table that's in between them.

CLOSE UP shot of a CUP of COFFEE on the table, as JACOB
then plops the RAT POISON PELLETS into the CUP.

It then immediately returns to the SHOT behind JACOBS
ARM with the MASK in his hand as he STANDS there
silently. MICHELLE turns around with some sugar and sits
at the table, pouring the sugar in her COFFEE.

Do you want some coffee?

She continues as if he nodded the answer.

MICHELLE (cont'd)
You don't. Alright!

She glances at the MASK in his hand.

MICHELLE (cont'd)
What are you doing, with that stupid
old mask?

She pauses but doesn't indicate that he ever answered,
like he ignored the question.

MICHELLE (cont'd)
Do you know? That I heard on the
news this morning that he's dead!
Finally, Good riddance!

MICHELLE takes her first drink of COFFEE and then adds
more sugar, as she makes a funny face.

MICHELLE (cont'd)
What have you been up to, in that
basement of yours? You know! Your
dear old mama doesn’t like it! When
you keep secrets from her. HMMMM?

MICHELLE takes a big drink of COFFEE and makes another
bitter face. JACOB then moves closer giving NO ANSWER.
He then leans in and kisses MICHELLE's forehead.
(never showing his face) He backs away, and ominously,
slowly begins pulling the MASK towards his face and puts
it on. (now you can show his face.) Dumbfounded and
confused MICHELLE gets up as JACOB begins walking
towards the back door. She flings the COFFEE in the
sink, and places her hand on JAKES shoulder.

MICHELLE (cont'd)
What are you doing? You need to
stop! Right NOW!

JACOB immediately turns around as she places her hand on
his shoulder, and begins mercilessly beating her. As
MICHELLE lays on the floor bloodied and beaten, clinging
to consciousness, JAKE grabs a BUTCHER KNIFE from a KNIFE
RACK on the counter and walks out the BACK DOOR, leaving
it open behind him.

MICHELLE pulls herself together as much as she can, and
begins crawling towards the back door.

MICHELLE (cont'd)
NO! Jacob, NO! Don't you do this!

She crawls out the back door just enough to be visible
to the neighboring yards. JACOB just continues with
MICHAEL's mannerisms, slowly walking away.

P.O.V. out the back door, as MICHELLE curls in the fetal
position holding her stomach, she then passes out. As
JAKE walks out the back gate, and to the left.

The shot remains on MICHELLE as she lies still on the
ground, as a time lapse happens, turning from day to
night, as there is only movement in the BACKGROUND.
(this happens in about 5/6 seconds.)

CUT TO: :confused:

Last edited by H3orH3D_Script4U; 02-21-2013 at 11:28 PM.
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