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Old 03-24-2013, 09:55 AM
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metternich1815 metternich1815 is offline
Sometimes dead is better
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Missouri, United States
Posts: 1,149
I did not think the show was as terrible as many of the people described. Granted, it is nowhere near Psycho (1960), which is one of the greatest horror movies of all time. Also, it is true that this show does not really make any sense as far as the story. It does not really line up with what Psycho established (timeline excluded). It should be noted that the makers never said it was going to be a real prequel series. Thus, they took a great deal of creative license with the plot. Honestly, putting the film in a modern context did not make any sense (nor did it when they made that terrible remake in 1998). But, I thought the acting was really good and I hope a new generation will be exposed to this old storyline (you would be surprised by how many in the millenial generation do not even know that Norman Bates was the killer in Psycho). Overall, I would give the show at least a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Thus, it is entertaining, but definitely not a masterpiece (but still worth watching).
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