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Old 11-16-2003, 06:06 AM
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grimbrotherjake grimbrotherjake is offline
Scares Little Kids
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Canarctica
Posts: 18
SGT--- you moron!!!

... bloodinator? Try vodkanator.

It originally was an insecticide pump that we filled with tang and silent sam vodka that we took to a party. We could intoxicate people from across the room... it was awesome.

Awesome that is until good ol' Sarge took too much of his own sauce and started spraying people in the eyes.

That ended its reign as "the new age beer bong".

But yes, it has been used in multiple ways for sure since then. One thing to take note of though... attach a tube and fill THAT with whatever you want to spray... it might not spray as long, but otherwise you'll muck up the insides of the sprayer for the most part.

PS: Sgt_Insano, I think we need a new one. The bloodinator I have is all gummed up from milk, acrylic paint, bisquick, and karo syrup from the pirate fellatio penile amputation impalement scene I shot last month...

...heres a pic!
~Jake Grimbrother

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