Thread: Coffee Culture
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Old 05-15-2014, 09:34 PM
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I've been taking my book out for coffee for over forty years. Of course back then it was mostly the local drive-in and Denny's as the comfy chair coffee shop hadn't come to town yet. I'd sit for about an hour or an hour and a half and while I did see people read the newspaper fairly often and browse a magazine once in a while rarely did anyone sit with an actual book in their hands, at least while I was there. The first Starbucks in town didn't have cushy chairs but when I walked into a Seattle Starbucks for the first time I was afraid to sit figuring they were off limits like plinking a piano in a public place usually is. I've since adjusted.
"It is with considerable difficulty that I remember the original era of my being." Mary Shelley, FRANKENSTEIN

"Within the framework of most horror tales we find a moral code so strong it would make a Puritan smile." Stephen King, DANSE MACABRE

Last edited by sfear; 05-15-2014 at 09:42 PM.
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