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Old 07-25-2014, 11:43 PM
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roshiq roshiq is offline
Pirate of Bengal

Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Dhaka
Posts: 8,691
Children... aka A-i-deul... (2011)

Based on a true story about the unsolved murder case of Frog Boys...on March 26, 1991, five kids went to a nearby mountain to catch frogs but never returned. Eleven years later, police discover their remains (bones & cloths). Meanwhile, a struggling TV producer team-up with an ambitious college professor who tries to analyze the case with an interesting theory & different point of view and made some efforts to solve the mystery...!!

Although it's got somewhat a similar premise & sometime feels like Memories of Murder, yet it is totally different but not as perfect overall; still a great watch indeed.

>>: A-

Sum-bakk-og-jil aka Hide and Seek (2013)

Another good, intense Korean thriller. Definitely worth a watch.

>>: B+
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