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Old 01-16-2015, 08:10 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Wentzville, MO
Posts: 1,103
drain, a small metal pipe probably for propping the door open. We sat down there for a minute and petted him. Tim said “We should bring him back some food after the service.” I agreed but thought to myself “I don’t know if he will make it that long.” Tim looked down at his watch and let out a little yelp, “The service starts in 3 minutes, we better get back. My mom will be so mad if I walk into that church in the middle of prayer.” Tim ran off yelling back to me “You coming?” I said “Yeah, go on, I’ll be there in a minute.” After Tim climbed back through the rail and I could hear his running feet fade out, I reached back down and petted the little dog again. I said “Don’t worry, just relax.” My hand wrapped around the little section of pipe and I raised it above my head. Just as I was about the slam it into the dogs head, I realized that I can’t get these clothes bloody. I slowly lowered the pipe back down to my side. I had another idea. I placed the end of the pipe inside of the little dog’s ear. With one swift motion I drove it downward and into the mutts head. I could feel the serenity wash over me as I felt the bones in its skull crack under the pressure. He let out a tiny little yipe and was gone. I shivered from head to toe with excitement. My whole body felt alive. I swear I could smell its life leaving its buddy. I pulled the pipe back out, and examined the end of it. It had little pieces of broken bone and what I guessed was brain stuck to it. I put my nose up to it and sniffed. Ohhhh the blood… It smelled so good and so fresh. I ran my fingers over the end of the pipe and then sat it back in the corner. In somewhat of a state of euphoria I climbed the stairs and wondered back down the alley. The hobo still slept in his box and the city went on all around me, but I didn’t notice any of it. I snuck into the service slowly and quietly and sat in the very last pew. There were so many people here but I didn’t hear a single one of them speak, I didn’t even notice when my mother got up to talk. I think there may have even been a short video. I just kept sitting there, circling my thumb and forefinger and feeling the slick, life giving substance on my skin. At my fathers memorial, I don’t think I thought about him once.
A hour or two later I vaguely recall noticing everyone starting to stand up and shake hands. It clicked to me that the memorial was over and we could finally go home. By this time the blood on my fingers had dried and then flaked off and I was just riding the high from the day. I stepped out of the pew and started heading out of the building. I was stopped by a couple of people on the way but I just walked by them and really didn’t notice them. Looking off of the top of the steps, waiting for Jennifer and mother to come out of the church, I saw our car pull up. I took a quick look at my watch and noted that it was 7:57. Very prompt, that’s perfect. I will collect his card when we get back to the house. Just then Jennifer and mother stepped through the door. The look on Jennifers face screamed “I am completely over this.” I could understand.
We headed down to the car together but in complete silence. The people who came to pay their respects to father had mostly scrambled off as soon as the service was over. The couple of people that that remained at the church looked like they may be networking. That made me slightly sick and I thought that someday maybe I would be able to free some of those people from their inhabitions as well. The driver was standing at the car with the door wide open. I helped mother and Jennifer into the car and through a little salute to the driver noting his good work. He closed the door and we were off.
The city was much prettier at night all lit up. Unfortunately I couldn’t enjoy it, all I could think about was the cracking sound that skull made. I closed my eyes hoping Jennifer would think that I was sleeping. Instead I was thinking about how funny it would have been if Tim had tried to sneak some food back there for the little guy and found him in a bloody heap on the ground. I chuckled out loud and looked over toward Jennifer. She said “Whats so funny?” I thought quick and told her “Oh just a joke Tim told me before we went into the church, Ill have to tell you some time.” I rested my head back against the glass and this time I did drift off into sleep.
The next time I opened my eyes we were pulling up in front of our house. I slept the whole drive. I rubbed my eyes and tried to shake off some of the sleapiness. The door swung open and I stepped out. This time I didn’t help Jennifer or mother out of the car, I was exhausted and didn’t even think about it. I watched as mother headed inside arm in arm with Jennifer. No doubt she would be heading to her room, and I really wasn’t sure when the next time I would see her was going to be. I walked back over to the driver and simply said “You did an excellent job tonight. Expect a phone call from me, it may be this week, it may be next year. No matter when, be prepared to come when you are needed.” He thanked me and went on his way.
Just as I had thought, mother went to her room and Jennifer was already in hers getting ready for bed. I headed straight to my room, to tired to even try to watch Jennifer strip down. I opened my door and pulled off the ridiculous outfit. I dug pajamas out of my walk in closet and threw them on. I couldn’t think of anything but getting to bed. I laid down and started to doze off. The last few thoughts that went through my mind before wonderful sleep were these. I remember hearing that while you sleep your brain chooses which memories are most important and it stores them, I love that of everything that happened today I know my brain will retain the intense pleasure of what happened behind that church. I also remembered the trap I had set earlier that morning and I got incredibly excited. There is a chance that I will have a new toy to play with tomorrow. And lastly, an image of Tim coming around the corner of the guard rail with an arm full of food, all smiles, and seeing what I had done to the dog. The food falling out of his arms as his heart pounded and forced all of that warm blood through his veins. He would turn and run, never considering that I could have done it. I laughed as I faded away into sleep. Tomorrow was going to be fun.
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