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Old 01-23-2015, 05:02 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Wentzville, MO
Posts: 1,103
I finished peeling the skin off of the carcass and stood back for a second to admire it. The creature was perfect. It had so much muscle and was so strong. I went over and ran my fingers along its forelegs, over its side and down its rear legs. I loved the way it felt under my fingers, the muscles where slick and slimy but they were hard at the same time. I lowered my face to the body and smelled the raw flesh. It was a gamey sent, full of musk and hard odors. I loved it, I was tempted to taste it, but the little bit of rational thought I had left was worried about rabies. I rested my cheek on the still warm meat and rubbed it back and forth. I decided that I wanted to make an example of it. I cut into its chest and soaked my hands in its blood. After I was satisfied that I had enough all over me I went to the doorway and ran my blood covered hands and arms over the logs that made up the doorway. I think that will do as a warning.
My head was buzzing, the feeling of the blood all over my skin was the most amazing thing I could have ever wanted. I lifted my hands to my face and wiped them over it, rubbing the wet slimy blood all over until I was completely coated. A pleasure I had never felt before shot through my body like a jolt of electricity. There were vivid colors bursting in my vision. The feel, the smell, everything about this moment enveloped me. I took a long, deep breath and then, I was out.
My eyes opened, my vision completely blurry, I couldn’t quite make out where I was. As my senses started to come back to me I realized that I was standing in the shower. The last thing I remembered clearly was standing in the fort covered in blood. My heart was still pounding and I looked out of the shower and noticed bloody footprints on the bathroom floor. “Oh no, did I track blood through the entire house!?!” I hurried to scrub the blood off of my body, when I lifted my arm a pain shot through my body so hard I almost lost my footing. My eyes caught the makeshift bandage on my arm and the memories started flowing back to me. I pulled the duct tape loose carefully trying not to pull on the paper towels yet. My entire arm throbbed with pain. Every time it would throb little explosions of light, like fireworks would blur my vision. I got the duct tape off and started unwinding the towels. For every layer I took off the towels turned more and more red. I got to the last layer, it was stuck to the wounds, and there were a lot of them. I tried pulling it loose but the blood had dried and it felt like I was ripping my skin off. I clenched my teeth and put the arm into the warm water. It stung like nothing I had ever felt. It was amazing, I could remember getting bit but I don’t remember it hurting much at all at the time. The water soaked through the bandage and started to loosen it. The puddle at my feet was dark red. I watched the bandages fall away and examined the little tooth holes left by that damn coyote. There were eight on top and it looked like six on bottom. They were very deep and spread open. I rinsed them as thoroughly as I could stand. The pain finally started to subside, or I started to get used to it.
I stepped out of the shower and went to the medicine cabinet. Sifting through the band aids and tums I found what I was looking for. I collected gauze, Neosporin, and an ace bandage. Very carefully I bandaged up my wounds and swallowed a handful of ibuprofen. I looked over myself in the mirror trying to make sure that I didn’t miss any of the blood in my hair or on my chest. I caught my own eyes in the mirror and got right up against it. I looked different, something looked different. I shook off the weird feeling and as I did I remembered the footprints.
I was trying to piece together the puzzle that was that evening. My clothes and shoes are bundled up in the corner, I will have to remember to bag those and burn them. It’s funny, nobody ever notices that I buy a lot of new clothes for someone who doesn’t leave the house. I decided that I needed to trace my way back from my room to the front door and make sure that I didn’t leave anything behind.
It was dark outside but I had no clue what time it was. I flipped on my computer monitor and looked at the little clock. It said 4 am. Wow, this time I lost at least a few hours. What was I doing? I can’t remember anything past taking the skin off of the little bastard. Well at least nobody would be awake. I opened my door and walked out into the dark hallway. Paying close attention to the floor I walked very slowly down the hall. I didn’t see any blood on the floor at all, but I did come across a couple of bloody hand prints on the walls. I walked down the hall to the storage closet to grab some rags and cleaning chemicals. I looked through all of the stuff in there and found a couple of microfiber towels that nobody would miss and a spray bottle of some sort of lemony cleaner. I was just getting ready to go back out when I thought about the hole in the wall.
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